Elavate Your Companies Brand with Palm Desert Chamber of Commerce
"Bring your business to life!"
The Executive Council is an exclusive group of the most influential and connected businesses in the valley. Each member of the Executive Council has made a significant annual financial investment in support of the Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce initiatives, programs and projects. This support helps to build a vibrant and prosperous community, benefiting all.
In addition to the branding and exposure each sponsorship opportunity offers, all Executive Council Members at the $3,500 level or above will receive the following
- Three (3) E-blasts – You provide the jpeg
and a link. Email to staff at least 1 week
in advance (without the Executive
Council Membership, E-blasts are $75
- .Three (3) Social Media Posts - Provide
the content and links. Please send at
least 1 week in advance.
- .Three (3) Social Media Posts - Provide
the content and links. Please send at
least 1 week in advance.
Palm Desert Chamber of Commerce 2025 Exective Council
Just For the Health of It Health & Wellness Fair - February 22, 2025
_______Gold Sponsor - $2500 _______Silver Sponsor - $1000
_______Bronze Sponsor - $500 _______Booth Space - $100
Putt Putt on El Paseo - May 29, 2025
_______Presenting Sponsor - $2000 _______ Welcome Party Sponsor - $1500
_______Perfect Putter Sponsor - $645 _______Team of 4 with Cart - $395
_______Team of 4 (no cart) - $195 _______Individual Player - $55
Annual Business Awards & Board Installation - June 24, 2025
_______Golden Tiki Sponsor - $1500 _______Silver Tiki Sponsor - $750
_______Bronze Tiki Sponsor - $350 _______Wine Sponsor - $1200
_______Photo Sponsor - $1000 _______Centerpiece Sponsor - $750
_______Individual Ticket - $110 _______Nominee Reception Sponsor - $750
State of the City - Fall 2025
_______Presenting Sponsor - $5000 _______Gold Sponsor - $3000
_______Silver Sponsor - $1500 _______Centerpiece Sponsor - $750
Palm Desert Golf Cart Parade - October 26, 2025
_______VIP Seating Sponsor - $5000 _______Veteran Seating Sponsor - $12,000
_______Beer Garden Sponsor - $2000 _______Photo Sponsor - $1800
_______Parade Sponsor - $500
Peace Officer & Public Safety Awards Lunch - November 19, 2025
_______Presenting Sponsor - $5000 _______Award Sponsor - $3000
_______Gratitude Sponsor - $1500 _______Photo Sponsor - $1000
_______Centerpiece Sponsor - $750 _______Individual Ticket - $100
El Paseo Cruise Night - ongoing dates
_______Home Page Marketing - $200 _______Merchant Page Marketing - $100
_______Booth Space (one cruise) - $100 _______Booth Space (three cruises) - $250
Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce All Access Pass
_______$400 - 2025 All Access Pass (a savings of $80 compared to individual entry fees).
Including: 10 Mixers, 3 Business Breakfasts & 11 Profit Connection Lunches
Annual Membership Renewal
_______Business Membership - $425 _______Non-Profit Membership - $300
_______Small Business Membership (1-2 people) - $325
Business Name:_________________________________________________
Signature: Date:_________________________________________________